Team Fortress 2 Rcon Tool
Well I have enough of web development stuff at my work to make me sick of it, I'd rather not work on other stuff like that sorry.:(But if you just want ideas on how it might work, well, the 'maps' command displays a list of maps, so that's how that's done. I dunno how one would read/write the mapcycle.txt. 'mapcyclefile' determines which file is used for the map list.As for the actual UI, you would just build your list with and s for checkboxes, and use ondragstart and the other HTML5 drag events to handle reordering. That's the simplified version of how I'd make it, you can get fancy with CSS effects and so forth as you wish.Still not sure how you'd actually pull or push the file (you might need SSH or something for that). I don't have a server. But if I did, this is what I'd want.Not sure if some of this is doable, but consider it a wishlist. 1-click connect to server (launches steam://connect/etc).
Show console/chat. Allow chat to server as 'Console' user thing. Show list of players including stats like score, playtime, steam id, ping, maybe more (heuristics for 'suspicious' players, including whether they've had a votekick/ban called against them, frequent name changing, etc). Kick/ban with a menu here. Allow showing a player's previous names (either names they've used since you've had the window open or perhaps even further back?). Set time limits for temporary bans to be automatically removed.
User-customizable list of cvars to quickly check status or toggle. Checkboxes for boolean cvars, other field types for others.
Rcon Tool Ark
Drop down list of maps on server to switch map quickly. Menu to restart server. Possibly use other non-rcon mechanism such as SSH for other features or to show server stats like server uptime, source server memory usage/cpu usage, or reboot the box. Would also allow for showing chat log (not sure if you can do that with rcon alone).
Team Fortress 2 Controller Support

Cod4 Rcon Tool
Yes, a web based UI can run rcon commands, I dont know how well it scales, but I have it working in a basic form (I have a currently have a node script which is capable, and it is built in a way that integration into express is not difficult). I have been pondering about security too, and as you point out it is VERY important. I plan to only have the end user enter in there rcon credentials once (per server), from there my server would be responsible for the connection to the game server. Prahar movie. Do you have any ideas about how to improve security and things (sorry if I came off nasty a bit earlier)?.