Gundam Seed Complete Best Rar Opener
ReleasedDecember 4, 2002 Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack I is the first soundtrack album of. Included in this album are the first ending theme ' (TV Size)' by, and 'Shizuka na Yoru ni', the insert song in phase 07, 08, 09, 14 & 20 – performed by as.Catalog number: VICL-61000All music is composed by except where noted. All music performed by Toshihiko Sahashi except where noted.
Track listingNo.TitleLyricsArtistLength1.' Anna ni Issho Datta no ni TV-Size' (あんなに一緒だったのに Although We Are Always Together TV-Size)3.' Gundam Shutsugeki' (Gundam出撃 Gundam Launching)4.' Tekichi he no Sennyu' (敵地への潜入 Sneaking Into Enemy Territory)5.' Kesshin' (決心 Determination)6.' Aseri' (焦り Impatience)7.'
Asai Nemuri' (浅い眠り Shallow Sleep)8.' Kuchi' (窮地 Dilemma)9.' Tekizen no Mayoi' (敵前の迷い Lost in the Presence of the Enemy)10.' Hetalia russia character songs download.
Kanashimi' (哀しみ Sorrow)11.' Wazuka na Fuan' (微かな不安 Subtle Unrest)12.' Shingeki' (進撃 Charge)13.'
Rakutan' (落胆 Disappointment)14.' Heiwa na Hoshi' (平和な星 Star of Peace)15.' ZAFT no Inbou' (ザフトの陰謀 ZAFT's Conspiracy)16.' Shatei Kyori' (射程距離 Firing Range)17.' Namida' (涙 Tears)18.'
Sentou Taisei' (戦闘態勢 Fighting Mode)19.' Kyomu' (虚無 Emptiness)20.'
Yokan' (予感 Premonition)21.' Teki no Iatsukan' (敵の威圧感 Intimidating the Enemy)22.' Shutsugeki Junbi' (出撃準備 Preparing to Sortie)23.' Kaisou' (回想 Reminiscence)24.' Sakareta Yuujyou' (裂かれた友情 Broken Friendship)25.' Hisou' (悲愴 Sombre)26.'
Hoshi he no Inori' (星への祈り Prayer to the Stars)27.' Eien he no Shunkan' (永遠への瞬間 Eternal Moment)28.' Archangel no Tabidachi' (アークエンジェルの旅立ち Archangel's Departure)29.' Shizuka na Yoru ni' (静かな夜に In the Quiet Night)30.'
Saikai no Yakusoku' (再開の約束 Promise of a Reunion)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack II Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack IIby. ReleasedSeptember 21, 2003 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack III is the third soundtrack album of. ,ReleasedDecember 16, 2004 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Original Soundtrack IV is the last soundtrack album of. Included in this album are all ending and opening themes of the series in TV size mix.Catalog number: VICL-61500Track listing. Invoke (TV opening version) ( Invoke -インヴォーク- (TV opening version)) by.
Shizuka Naru Yoake ( 静かなる夜明け). Tachiagare! Okori yo ( 立ち上がれ! ReleasedDecember 16, 2004 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack I is the first soundtrack album of.
Included in this album is 'Fields of Hope', the insert song in phase 07, 09, 41, edited & final plus – performed by as.Catalog number: VICL-61555All music is composed by except 'Fields of Hope'. All music performed by Toshihiko Sahashi except 'Fields of Hope'. Track listingNo.TitleLyricsLength1.' Unmei no Tobira' (運命の扉, Door of Destiny)2.'
Minerva Take Off'3.' Teisen no Hate ni.' (停戦の果てに・・・, In the end of the cease-fire.)4.' Core Splendor Lift Off'5.' Shizukesa no Toki' (静けさの刻, Instant of Peace)6.' Kantai Shutsugen' (艦隊出現, The fleets appear)7.' Sangeki no Daichi' (惨劇の大地, Ground of Tragedy)8.'
Kotoba Nakushite' (言葉なくして, Without words)9.' Girty Lue Navigation'10.' Gaia x Chaos x Abyss'11.' Mission Kaishi' (ミッション開始, Mission Starts)12.' Yami no Tsuiseki' (闇の追跡, Tracking of Darkness)13.' Senka no 16sai' (戦火の16歳, 16 years of wars)14.' Mebaeta Okori' (芽生えた怒り, Grew Angry)15.'
Aratana Yami' (新たな闇, New Darkness)16.' Youki to Bishoumi' (妖気と微笑み, Dark Aura and Smile)17.' Yuragu Ishiki no Naka de' (揺らぐ意識の中で, Inside the shaking will)18.' Nouryoku to Shi to' (能力と死と,Good or Death)19.' Athrun no Fuan' (アスランの不安, Athrun's worry)20.' Nikurashimi Arebasoko' (憎しみあればこそ, Possible Hatred)21.'
Nazo no Kiri' (謎の霧, Mysterious Mist)22.' Isshun no Senritsu' (一瞬の戦慄, Melody of Moment)23.' Colony – Semaru Inbou' (Colony ~迫る陰謀, Conspiracy gets close)24.' Colony – Zettai Zetsumei' (Colony ~絶体絶命, Certain Death)25.' Colony – Hiai Kousaku' (Colony ~悲哀交錯, Mixture of Sorrow)26.' Yumemiru Shoujo ni.' (夢見る少女に・・・, Dream girl)27.'
Fields of Hope'Kajiura28.' Minerva Navigation'29.'
Ignited' (piano version)30.' Asu he no Hashi' (明日への橋, Bridge to Tomorrow)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack II Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack IIby. ReleasedApril 21, 2005 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack II is the second soundtrack album of. Included in this album is 'Shinkai no Kodoku', the insert song used in phase 21, 26, 30, 32 & 33 – performed by, 's voice actress. In the remastered version of Gundam SEED Destiny, this song is used as the ending theme for phase 32.Catalog number: VICL-61600Track listing. Shutsugeki! インパルス).
Hajimari ga Yue (始まりが故). Kaisen Zen'ya (開戦前夜). Misenai Kokoro (見せない心). Senka no Kizuato (戦禍の傷痕). Kantai Shiki (艦隊指揮). Kakushitsu no Sukima (確執の隙間).
Kizutsuita Ashiato (傷ついた足跡). Shikkoku no Kuukan (漆黒の空間). Senkyou Henka (戦況変化). Koerarenu Kabe (超えられぬ壁). Nayami Kurashimi. (悩み苦しみ・・・). Sakebi to Okori no Mukukata he (叫びと怒りの向く方へ).
Kakusei Shinn Asuka (覚醒シン・アスカ). Yuuwaku (誘惑). Backpack Kansou (バックパック換装). Fuon na Kotoba (不穏な言葉).

Touketsu no Iki (凍結の息). Shizuka Naru Toki (静かなる刻). Risou Yuudou (理想誘導). Umi to Sora to Kaze to (海と空と風と). Shinjireba Koso (信じればこそ). Heiwa he no Inori (平和への祈り). Mienai Kotae (見えない答え).
Shinkeisen (神経戦). Senryaku Shinten Sezu (戦略進展せず).
Shinkai no Kodoku (深海の孤独; The Sea's Loneliness). ReleasedAugust 24, 2005 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack III is the third soundtrack album of.Catalog number: VICL-61610Track listing. Aratanaru Chikara to Seigi ( 新たなる力と正義). Kira, Sono Kokoro no Mama ni ( キラ、その心のままに). Akuma no Keiyaku ( 悪魔の契約). Hi no Shizumu Kiza ( 陽の沈む刻).
Kantai Kousen ( 戦艦交戦). Kiei Nashi. ReleasedFebruary 15, 2006 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Original Soundtrack IV is the last soundtrack album of.Catalog number: VICL-61791Track listing.
Saigo no Seisen Ikari ( 最後の征戦 ~怒り). Saigo no Seisen Kasumu Sora no Hate ( 最後の征戦 ~霞む空の果て). Saigo no Seisen Ken no Saki, Fuan to Namida ( 最後の征戦 ~剣の先、不安と涙).
Sakebi to Gekitetsu ( 叫びと撃鉄). Kira, Sono Mezame to Ketsui ( キラ、その目覚めと決意). Oogantai Saigo no Tatakai ( 大艦隊最後の戦い). Hikari to Kage ( 光と陰). Kotoba no Oku ni. 'Moment' 'Moment'by'Darling HoneyHoshi ni Negai wo'ReleasedJanuary 29, 2003 (Japan)Format'Moment' is a duet by and under the stage name Vivian or Kazuma. The song was used as the second opening theme for from phase 14 to 26.All lyrics are written by Vivian or Kazuma.
CD (SECL-107)No.TitleMusicLength1.' Moment' (Gundam SEED second opening theme song)Akio Dobashi2.' Darling Honey'Akio Dobashi3.'
Hoshi ni Negai wo ( 星に願いを, The Wish Upon the Stars)'KazumaAkio Dobashi (arrangement)Charts ChartPeakpositionSalesWeekly Singles#5121,488. 'Wings of Words' 'Wings of Words'byfrom the album fo(u)r'Change The World'ReleasedJuly 27, 2005 (Japan)Format'Wings of Words' is the 15th single of, this single was released in two formats with different track lists. The song 'Wings of Words' was used as the last opening theme for from phase 38 to 50.Catalog numbers: DFCL-1211 (limited edition); DFCL-1212 (regular edition)Limited edition track listing. Wings of Words. Washi wo Shimin Kyuujou ni Tsuretette. ( わしを市民球場に連れてって。). Bugsy Night feat.
DABO. Change The WorldRegular edition track listing. Wings of Words. Change The World. Wings of Words (alas de palabras). Wings of Words (instrumental)Charts ChartPeakpositionSalesWeekly Singles#2140,969.
Ending themes 'Anna ni Issho Datta no ni' 'Anna ni Issho Datta no ni'byfrom the album Dream Field'Tsuki Hitotsu'ReleasedOctober 23, 2002 (Japan)Format'Anna ni Issho Datta no ni' is the 9th single released. The song was used as the first ending theme for, from phase 01 to 26.Catalog number: VICL-35440Track listing.
Anna ni Issho Datta no ni ( あんなに一緒だったのに, Although We Were Always Together). Tsuki Hitotsu ( 月ひとつ, One Moon).
Anna ni Issho Datta no ni (karaoke). Tsuki Hitotsu (karaoke)Charts ChartPeakpositionSalesWeekly Singles#5173,894. 'I Wanna Go to a Place.' 'I Wanna Go to a Place.' Byfrom the album'They Always Talk AboutI So Wanted'ReleasedApril 27, 2005 (Japan)Format'I Wanna Go to a Place.' Is the third single released. The song was used as the third ending theme for, from phase 26 to 37, in phase 28 and 32, the English version was played instead of the Japanese version.
In the remastered version of Gundam SEED Destiny, the song 'Shinkai No Kodoku' is played as phase 32's ending theme instead.Catalog number: QQCL-5Track listing. I Wanna Go to a Place. They Always Talk About. I So Wanted (English version)Charts ChartPeakpositionSalesWeekly Singles#565,915. 'Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru' 'Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru'by'Seijaku wa Headphone no Naka'ReleasedAugust 3, 2005 (Japan)Format,singles chronology'Kimi ga Ita Monogatari / Emerald Green'(2003)' Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru'(2005)'Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru' is the 11th single released. The song was used as the last ending theme for, from phase 38 to 50, Final Plus and.Catalog number: VICL-35800Track listing. Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru ( 君は僕に似ている, You Resemble Me).
Gundam Seed Complete Best Rar Opener For Windows
Seijaku wa Headphone no Naka ( 静寂はヘッドフォンの中, Silence in the Headphone). Kimi wa Boku ni Niteiru without vocal. Seijaku wa Headphone no Naka without vocalCharts ChartPeakpositionSalesWeekly Singles#4156,172. 'Enrai Tooku ni Aru Akari' 'byfrom the album'Kaerimichi no Orange'ReleasedOctober 25, 2006 (Japan)Format'Enrai Tooku ni Aru Akari' is the 8th single released.
The song was used as the ending theme for.Catalog number: SECL-436Track listing. Enrai Tooku ni Aru Akari ( 遠雷~遠くにある明かり~, Distant Thunder A Far Off Light). Kaerimichi no Orange ( 帰り道のオレンジ, The Return Trip's Orange). Enrai Tooku ni Aru Akari (less vocal track)Charts ChartPeakpositionSalesWeekly Singles#1523,742. ,ReleasedSeptember 26, 2003 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Complete Best is the compilation of all opening and ending themes featured in TV series as well as the insert song 'Meteor'.Catalog numbers: AICL-1489-90 (CD+DVD limited edition); AICL-1506 (CD only regular edition)Track listing. ' by. ' by (limited edition bonus track).
' by. ' by.
' by. ' by.
' by. 'Meteor' by. 'Invoke' (phase shift armoured version) by. by. by.
by. byCharts ChartPeakpositionSalesWeekly Albums#2342,307. ,ReleasedNovember 2, 2005 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Complete Best is the compilation of all opening and ending themes featured in TV series as well as the insert song 'Meteor' and 'vestige'.Catalog numbers: SMCL-1112 (CD+DVD limited edition); SMCL-113 (CD only regular edition)Track listing.
' by. ' by. ' by.
' by. ' by. ' by. ' by. ' by. Meteor by.
' by. 'Reason' – Nylon Stay Cool Mix – by. by High and Mighty Color. ' by ChemistryCharts ChartPeakpositionSalesWeekly Albums# 1351,251.
ReleasedApril 23, 2003 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Suit CD vol.2 Athrun X Cagalli is the second suit CD of, featured image song of, performed by.Catalog number: VICL-61072Track listing. Precious Rose by as. 'Torii' Athrun Zala Hen ( 「トリィ」~アスラン・ザラ編, 'Birdy' Athrun Zala's Stories) (Suit Mini Drama). Sakurairo no Kisetsu ( 桜色の季節, Season of Cherry Blossom Colors) by. Anna ni Issho Datta no ni Athrun Zala feeling ( あんなに一緒だったのに, Although We Were Always Together) by.
Precious Rose (Original Karaoke). ReleasedJuly 23, 2003 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Suit CD vol.5 Athrun x Yzak x Dearka is the fifth suit CD of, featured image song of, performed by.Catalog number: VICL-61075Track listing. Shoot by as. 'Creuset Tai 2.
Rival' ( 「クルーゼ隊~2.ライバル」」, 'Creuset Team 2. Rival') (Suit Mini Drama). Sora no Koe ( 空の声, Voices of the Sky) by. Ginga ( 銀河, The Milky Way) by. Ankoku Keiryaku ( 暗黒計略, Dark Artifice) by.
Shinrai no Hanin ( 信頼の破綻, Failure of Trust) by. Kaze no Ishi ( 風の意思, Intention of the Wind) by.
Senkyou Houkoku ( 戦況報告, Report on the State of War) by. Shoot (original karaoke). ,ReleasedJuly 21, 2005 (Japan)Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny Suit CD vol.7 Auel Neider x Sting Oakley is the second suit CD of, featured image song of and, performed by and.Catalog number: VICL-61612Track listing.
Eden of necessity by as. 'Yuujou no Basketball' ( 「友情のバスケットボール」, 'Basketball of Friendship') (suit mini drama). Life Goes On TV-Size type2 by. REY ZA BURREL'S PIANO 'Kiseki' ( 軌跡, Locale) by. ONE DAY by.

Gundam Seed 00
Pale repetition by as. Eden of necessity (without vocal). Pale repetition (without vocal). Retrieved 2008-04-04. Retrieved 2008-04-05.
Retrieved 2008-04-05. Retrieved 2008-04-05. Retrieved 2008-04-05. Retrieved 2008-04-05. Retrieved 2008-04-05. Retrieved 2008-04-05. Retrieved 2008-04-06.
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Retrieved 2008-04-08. Retrieved 2008-04-08. Retrieved 2008-04-06. Retrieved 2008-04-08. Archived from on 2008-01-05. Retrieved 2008-04-08.
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Retrieved 2008-04-08. Archived from on 2012-03-24. Retrieved 2008-04-09.
Archived from on 2008-04-02. Retrieved 2008-04-09. Retrieved 2008-04-05. Retrieved 2008-04-27. Retrieved 2008-05-07. Retrieved 2008-05-07. Retrieved 2008-05-07.
Retrieved 2008-05-07. Retrieved 2008-05-07.
Retrieved 2008-05-07. Retrieved 2008-05-07.
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Retrieved 2008-05-08. Retrieved 2008-05-08. Retrieved 2008-04-06.